
DATEApril 2021 CLIENTRidgewood Watch Company ROLECreative Direction / Illustration / Animation / Edit Coinlytics is a powerful widget based crypto tracking platform for iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch. We prepared an in-app tutorial workflow for users utilizing lightweight Lottie files as well a graphics and videos for the app store submission and marketing. The app […]
PhantomStrike Social

DATEApril 2021 AGENCYMountain View Group ROLECreative Direction / Animation / Edit Raytheon Technologies repurposed a longer mission based video that showcased the power and capabilities of their PhantomStrike compact AESA into several short videos for use on their social channels. The video series was delivered in both landscape and portrait aspect ratios. World’s first air-cooled […]
Air Dominance

DATEApril 2021 AGENCYMountain View Group ROLECreative Direction / Development / Animation / Edit The application, developed in the Unity engine, was created for Raytheon as a digital sales tool. It showcases the many solutions and technologies that they develop that address Decision Superiority and Air Dominance for there U.S. military and our allies. It contained […]

Tap image to play video DATEFebruary 2021 CLIENT12-Gauge ROLECreative Direction / Animation / Edit Teaser Tap image to play video

Tap image to play video DATEOctober 2020 CLIENTFusus VOICE OVERMaya Aoki Tuttle ROLECreative Direction / Illustration / Animation / Edit
Thomas River

Tap image to play video DATESeptember 2020 CLIENT12-Gauge ROLECreative Direction / DOP_Director / Animation / Edit
Smart Cities

Tap image to play video DATEJuly 2019 CLIENTFusus VOICE OVERMaya Aoki Tuttle ROLECreative Direction / Animation / Edit
Powering Forward

Tap image to play video DATEMay 2019 AGENCYMountain View Group ROLECreative Direction / Illustration / Animation / Edit
Universal Controller

DATEApril 2019 AGENCYKids2 ROLECreative Direction / Development / Animation / Edit Kids2 prototype for a universal smart controller for several IOT enabled products. These user interface concepts explored a customer’s ability to monitor infant wellbeing as well as tune several illumination and soothing programs for sleepers and cribs. The initial UI explorations were built in […]
What is Equity Estates?

Tap image to play video DATEJuly 2018 CLIENTEquity Estates VOICE OVERLisa Unrau ROLECreative Direction / Copywriting / Illustration / Animation / Edit